Discover What Benefits You Could Be Entitled To - a woman looking at a laptop

Discover What Benefits You Could Be Entitled To

If you’re finding it hard to manage with the rising cost of living, it’s important to see if you can claim benefits or increase your current entitlements. You may be eligible for certain benefits even if you’re working, have savings, or own a home.


If you’re struggling to make ends meet, you may be eligible for extra financial help from the government, your local council, or even charitable organisations.

Why It's Worth Checking Your Entitlements

Many people miss out on benefits they qualify for, so it’s always worth reviewing what you could claim. By receiving benefits, you may also unlock additional financial support, such as cost of living payments and discounts on energy bills and public transport.


Use a Benefits Calculator

A benefits calculator can help you determine what financial assistance you might qualify for and how much you could receive. To get the most accurate results, you’ll need details about your savings, income, pension, childcare payments, and any current benefits for you and your partner, if applicable.

At KPN Accounting Ltd, we can assist you in navigating these tools and ensure you’re accessing all the financial support available to you.

a man looking at a woman in a meeting
a happy woman laughs with her friend sat at a table
Explore Additional Financial Support Available to You

We help you navigate the benefits system

Most benefits are typically paid directly into your bank account via direct credit transfer. This includes:


– Benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

– Tax credits

– Child Benefit

– Guardian’s Allowance

to business women smiling at each other

Still Unsure What You’re Entitled To?

If you’re uncertain about what benefits or credits you could receive, KPN Accounting Ltd can help you understand your options and guide you through the process to ensure you’re getting the right support.

Get In Touch With Us


07732 000568



Centurion House, London Rd, Staines-upon-Thames, Staines TW18 4AX

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